Back to the Future: Israeli Literature of the 1980s and 1990s

Praise for Back to the Future: Israeli Literature of the 1980s and 1990s
Dvir Abramovich s book is a lively and provocative study of Israeli-Hebrew literature in the 1980s and 1990s. . . . Selective and intelligent close-readings of several representative novels and stories from those two transitional decades display the kaleidoscopic differences in the ever-changing landscape of Israeli experiences and Abramovich masterfully negotiates the twists and turns of this multilane and layered highway that is modern Israel. –Professor Norman Simms, Department of Humanities and English at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand
Abramovich s inspiring book makes a most important contribution to the exposure of contemporary Hebrew and Israeli literature to readers around the world . . . this is a welcome and wide ranging addition to the growing contemporary research on Hebrew literature written in the last decades. –Dr Adia Mendelson-Maoz, Head of Hebrew Literature Section, The Open University of Israel
In this ambitious new study, Dvir Abramovich takes for his subject hitherto marginalized but certainly not marginal works of recent Israeli fiction, and makes not only the works themselves but the cultural context in which they appeared interesting and accessible to the general reader. What is fascinating in his approach is how Abramovich traces the acceptance of such disparate ethnic and genre fictions into mainstream modern Hebrew literature back to historical events and social phenomena in the early years of Israeli statehood. . . . The aim of Abramovich s excellent study is to highlight the social context as well as the artistic achievement of these voices of recent Israeli fiction, and to make those insights available to English-language readers. –Professor David Mesher, Department of English and comparative Literature, San Jose State State University, USA
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